Words of a Prophet

Corey Dyckman
3 min readOct 2, 2015


If you are Mormon, there are two Sundays a year where you get to hear the word of God in your pajamas. On the first weekend in April and in October, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gathers for what they call “General Conference”. After 150 hours of sabbath worship on 50 Sundays each year, this is for most saints a welcome break. Entire families gather for 8 hours of televised talks by the prophet, apostles and general leadership of the church.

I know what you are thinking — 8 hours??? Yes, this IS still a break of sorts from the normal Sunday routine. Mormons prepare special snacks to munch on. Games and worksheets are on hand to keep busy children preoccupied. Adults and teenagers settle in to their favorite armchairs and might even snooze during a talk or two. But mostly, they come away from the weekend with renewed hope, enlightenment, optimism, and a resolve to better love their neighbor.

To put it in secular terms, think of it like a TED conference, only the speakers are selected by God. And the only muscial performances are by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

This conference has been held since the establishment of the church by Joseph Smith in 1830. At the first conference, only 27 members were present. In 1833, the meeting was held in Missouri on a ferry boat. Since then, westward migration, persecution, and even the flu epidemic has caused the church to skip holding conference, but largely the meeting was held semi-annually since 1840.

Major announcements are often delivered at the conference. For instance, the church announced lowering the age for eligible missionaries to 18 for young men and 19 for young women at conference a few years ago. A huge initiative called the Perpetual Education Fund, which provides underprivileged people all over the earth with opportunities for education, was first introduced at conference. And, when leaders are released or pass away, new leaders are called at conference. This fall, it is likely that three new apostles will be called to serve in this capacity.

President Thomas S. Monson speaks roughly 2–4 times per conference. Over the past few years since he was sustained as the prophet, seer, and revelator for the church, I have collected all of his talks (since 2008) and created a “word cloud”. For those unfamiliar with word clouds, the more frequent the usage of a given word, the larger that word will appear in the cloud.

If God asked a people to take a “break” from their normal Sunday routine and listen to His prophet, what do you think he would have him say? Look at the cloud, what sticks out to you? Time, home, Jesus, love, temple — that’s what sticks out to me this year. During these tumultuous, uncertain times, these are ideals that can heal a nation, unite a family, mend broken hearts, and bring people unto Christ.

Word Cloud from conference talks given by President Thomas S. Monson, 2008–2014



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